Sunday, November 30, 2008

The Parable of the Weeds

I have been reflecting upon the parable found in Matthew 13 of the weeds. Evil came in while everyone was sleeping and sowed weeds among the good seed, and though the farmer knew it was an act of the enemy, he knew that pulling up the weeds would harm his wheat. So he had to wait until harvest to separate the wheat and the weeds.

In verses 37-42 Jesus explains the meaning of this story, that the good seeds are the sons of kingdom and the weeds are the sons of evil. The harvesters are angels who will weed out all sin and those who do evil and cast them into the fire allowing the righteous to "shine like the sun in the kingdom of their Father."

There have been times in my life when I have felt surrounded by evil, and been the target of others ill intended deeds. And in the moment it is hard to remember that one day I will be permanently separated from those evildoers for eternity. The pain they caused me will be a pale memory at the edge of my awareness as I walk with the one who saved me.

How I look towards that day and crave that peace that I know is waiting for me. Until then, I live among the weeds, the briers and the brambles with their sharp thorns tearing my flesh and bruising my soul. But the harvest will soon come. And I will be plucked from this evil earth forever and never again know the pain that my enemies bring.

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