Wednesday, December 26, 2012


And I set my mind to seek and explore by wisdom concerning all that has been done under heaven. It is a grievous task which God has given to the sons of men to be afflicted with. I have seen all the works which have been done under the sun, and behold, all is vanity and striving after wind. Ecclesiastes 1:13-14 NASB 

Solomon tells us there is nothing new or meaningful under the sun. Our challenge, when searching for meaning, is to look above the sun, outside this box we call earth.


I’ve asked the question a thousand times, “Why am I alive?” The answer I’m searching for goes far beyond discovering my purpose, or gifts or talents. Those things are important compasses in finding life’s direction, but they don’t satisfy my curiosity for knowing why I exist.  

I’m pretty open about my life’s struggle with self-hatred and worthlessness. For many years I believed the lie that I was, basically, garbage in human form. As a result, I searched the corners of the earth for anything to give my life meaning. In the end, all I had was a long list of unfixable choices, unyielding habits, frail character, and the irreconcilable belief that my life had no meaning.  I had set my mind to seek and explore everything available to me under heaven, and it just wasn’t enough. In fact, I discovered that the more I learned about the world, the more I hurt.  

Ecclesiastes chapter 1 is pretty disparaging about life on earth, describing it as a boring, repetitive, clockwork existence, destined to be forgotten. To me, it’s more like a snapshot of life…without God in it. It’s about the futility of searching for meaning in all the wrong places. Meaning doesn’t exist under the sun or within the boundaries of earth. Our true meaning exists in the heart of God.

I was 37 when God showed me my meaning and worth, and He began healing my heart, and my life, from the catastrophe I had made it. The meaning of a life isn’t something that can be held in your hand or touched, or taken in with any of the senses. It’s a belief that transcends anything we could ever comprehend this side of eternity.  God knew that my meaning wasn’t something He could just sit me down and explain to make me understand, it was something that had to be experienced. It was a meaning not meant to be written or told, but lived.
If you are breathing, you have meaning. You are important. You matter. Search outside the mundane routines of this world, look above the sun, and He will show you.

 1. In what ways have you sought meaning in this world? Who or what have you turned to, hoping to find meaning?

2. How does Solomon’s description of everyday life resonate with you? Does it sound familiar? Can you relate?

3. Ephesians 1:3-14 defines your personal significance. It lists what God has done to you and for you. He has blessed you with every spiritual blessing. He has chosen you. He has declared you holy and blameless. He has adopted you. He has redeemed you. He has forgiven you. He has made the mystery of His will known to you. He has sealed you with the Holy Spirit. Ponder these truths about you, memorize them, and write them on your heart.

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